Natural Medicine & Wing Chun Kung Fu in North Orlando, FL

Sifu Moy's core competencies in new Health development are Rejuvenation and Nourishment. They are the answers to your needs. He strives to inspire his clients with self participation and health needs to become Independently Healthy. Choose from a wide range of our services from nutrition to excercises to Kung Fu that will bring out the inner energy: the core to our health and well being.


When you see a traditional doctor, they ask you what is wrong with you. Sifu Moy will instead ask the body what it needs, whatever that is. He won't diagnose, treat or cure any conditions, he'll give you what the body asks for to make you healthy.

What is Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA)?

Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) is a unique, highly effective system that tests your muscle's reflex points using a medically accepted technique that determines the status of your body’s most important organs and glands.

How does QRA work?

QRA utilizes the O-ring method with which Sifu Moy can identify if there is a strong or weak energy flow in each one of your body's key points. Once he's made a general assessment, he'll recommend nutrients, nutritional formulas, and supplements tailored to your body’s unique needs.

Using QRA, Sifu Moy has helped clients with pain, weight issues, chronic sickness and emotional distress such as depression. He also helps you to stay young and youthful using QRA anti-aging program when you reach your self healing threshold. Sifu Moy wants to bring happiness and a smile to your life the way he has done to so many others.


What is Wing Chun Kung Fu?

Wing Chun Kung Fu was developed in southern China approximately 300 years ago. It's based on natural, scientific laws, eliminating unnecessary movements to overcome and generate force in the most efficient way.

It was founded by Ng Mui, the only woman to have ever founded a martial art. There is no strength involved, it is all about energy!

Sifu Moy uses a combination of QRA, Wing Chun Kung Fu, and nutritional guidelines to get to the root cause of your illness and nourish you back to health.

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